Best friends forever Sandralyd and AraMix decided to attend college together. However, without adult supervision or guidance, they quickly fell prey to the typical pitfalls of undergraduate life: excessive party culture, alcohol consumption, virtual reality smut exploration, and hookup seeking. Consequently, their scholastic efforts suffered significant decline. Upon consulting with their professors about their failing marks, SandraLyd and AraMix were informed that expulsion loomed unless radical measures were taken. Desperate to stay enrolled, the duo accepted a proposition from their instructor involving sexual misconduct within his private office. He asked each student to remove her trousers and assume positions upon his lap suitable for intimate stimulation. His obscene requests included dual cunnilingus, tandem rear entry, and concluding ejaculations splashed onto their visages. This initial lewd interaction commenced an open-ended arrangement wherein further exploitative relationships would continue throughout the remaining years of their collegiate career.